Cosmetic Surgery Beverly Hills

Liposculpture Before and After Photos

Liposculpture of abdomen, flanks, inner and outer thighs, and “banana rolls” by Dr. Mani

Liposculpture Los Angeles California  Liposculpture Los Angeles California

Before                                            After

Liposculpture Los Angeles California  Liposculpture Los Angeles California

Before                                            After

33 year-old woman who exercised regularly but had trouble getting rid of
“target areas” of fat in the inner and outer thighs, flanks, and “banana roll” area under the buttocks.

Liposculpture of chest (“gynecomastia”), abdomen, and flanks by Dr. Mani

Liposculpture Los Angeles California  Liposculpture Los Angeles California

Before                                            After

Male fitness model and bodybuilder had fat deposits in chest and abdomen and flanks despite diet and exercise which Dr. Mani treated with liposculpture

Liposculpture of waist and abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) by Dr. Mani


Liposculpture Los Angeles California Liposculpture Los Angeles California
Liposculpture Los Angeles California Liposculpture Los Angeles California


Liposculpture Los Angeles California Liposculpture Los Angeles California

34 year-old mother of two who wanted to improve the contour of her torso following her last childbirth.  Dr. Mani performed an abdominoplasty and liposuction of the waist.  After surgery, she maintained a lower body weight and felt more motivated to exercise regularly, resulting in a dramatic, lasting change for the better.

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